
What a difference a decade makes in satellite imaging

Tuesday, November 26, 2013
It seems like there's an armada of new earth-imaging satellites headed for orbit every day. As we consider the changes afoot in an industry where entry costs have traditionally been measured as a percent of GDP, it's worth a look at the tools of today's remote sensors.

This is a commercial, high-resolution earth imaging satellite before launch in 2001:

QuickBird 1 being prepped in 2001. Image courtesy of DigitalGlobe

And this is a roomful of them in 2013:

The PlanetLabs crew and their fleet of Doves, 2013.

Something has sure as hell been disrupted here. We're about to find out what.
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How to build a Mobile-First Map Form

Friday, November 8, 2013

Find me, small screen.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about the incredibly rich experiences we're getting these days from a digital map paradigm basically invented by Google in 2005.

A rich experience everywhere but on mobile devices, that is.

The dichotomy is pretty intense - on our larger screens, we have data visualizations of artful grandeur. We have amazing cartography in tiles and vectors, and we have smooth analytical tools. We're even approaching "GIS on the Web" that doesn't suck.

But then you turn on your phone and the best applications use oblique-angle maps the same way they did in Car SatNavs a decade ago.

I don't have an answer to this problem, I just mean to say I've been thinking about it. And it turns out that a bunch of the technologies I use regularly can be pretty easily combined to offer some possible fixes for how a user experiences maps on mobile. I'll walk you through them while trying to tackle a basic application: a location-based survey.

1.) Bootstrap

I get it. I overuse Bootstrap for the architecture of my sites. But in the latest release (3.0) they went "Mobile First", so it makes many of my other tasks easy by providing the responsive classes out of the box:

<div class="container">
<div class="jumbotron starter-template">
<h1>Libation/ Location</h1>
view raw example.html hosted with ❤ by GitHub

2.) Google Forms

I still think of Google Forms as an underutilized gem for easy data collection: pipe data from a form to a spreadsheet with an API; one barely needs to try anymore :) However, tying a custom Bootstrap page to a specific google form requires a few things available in the source code of the input form's page:
  • Form identifiers:
    <meta itemprop="embedUrl" content="">
  • Field-specific IDs:
    <!-- QUESTION 1 -->
    <input type="hidden" name="entry.338471973" value="" id="entry_338471973">
    <!-- QUESTION 2: LAT/LONG -->
    <input type="hidden" name="entry.80388879" value="" id="entry_80388879">
    <input type="hidden" name="entry.510592791" value="" id="entry_510592791">
    view raw formfields.html hosted with ❤ by GitHub
  • A Redirection iframe:
    <script type="text/javascript">var submitted=false;</script>
    <iframe name="hidden_iframe" id="hidden_iframe" style="display:none;" onload="if(submitted) {window.location='';}"></iframe>
    <form action="" method="POST" id="ss-form" target="hidden_iframe" onsubmit="submitted=true;">
    view raw redirect.html hosted with ❤ by GitHub

3.) Mapbox.js

Most of the necessary functions here are actually native to Leaflet, but I like the look of the Mapbox implementation, and they provide "Retina Tiles" that scale better for mobile. The basic tasks for the map in this application are:
  • Figure out user location without asking
  • Let the user fix the inevitably-incorrect positioning
This works with a quick call to a free IP registry, centering the map on the result:

// Set default location in case the IP doesn't have one
var y = 40.8;
var x = -96.67;
// Grab IP location from freegeoip API
$.getJSON('', function(json) {
if (json) {
y = json.latitude;
x = json.longitude;
// Build the map
var map ='map', 'landplanner.g7443phg', {
}).setView([y, x], 9);
view raw iplocate.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Then the user can drag the map around under the crosshair to where they actually are - this is a tactic I borrowed from OpenPlans after I got a reminder:

4.) CartoDB

Using a new tool they've made available to sync tables, there's almost no code involved in this step. All I needed to do was go to "File-->Publish" in the form target spreadsheet, then copy the .csv URL into the "New Table" creation dialog in CartoDB. Then a bit of easy styling created a custom-mapped results page:

The page itself is pretty simple, and you can grab it as a gist here. It'd be pretty easy to fork it and replace the form parameters with one of your own. As always, please share if you use it; I'd love to see where others take this.

The Caveats and Alternatives:

  • Geolocation by IP is pretty awful, unless you happen to be Google (but in that case you're currently being sued for the method by which you collected your registry). The service I used put me in the correct city on my laptop, the correct state on my tablet, but according to my phone I'm in Buffalo. There are better ways to get location, but they require user permission, which is a UX hurdle I didn't want to jump for this.
  • I subscribe to the gospel of responsive design because I'm lazy. It would probably be smoother to build this as a native Android/iOS app, but no way would it be this easy.
  • Since location is being passed to the table from the initial map, there's no geocoding and you could theoretically just tap the Google Drive API to put points on a results map. But again: EASY. CartoDB is that :)


In the first run I forgot the mobile-specific meta tag. I was reminded :) Thanks, Vladimir!

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Seamless Textures for Tilemill

Thursday, October 24, 2013
As evidenced by AJ Ashton's announcement this week, Tilemill keeps getting cooler. With vector tiles and Tilemill 2 on the horizon it seems like anything will be cartographically possible, but I've been having fun while we wait.

Tilemill allows you to fill a polygon or feature with an image instead of a plain color, which makes for some cool pattern and feel options:

However, you need to be careful not to run afoul of the tiling system that repeats any such image in gridded 512px intervals. You can get some funky edges if you're not paying attention. The solution to this is to use a seamless image - i.e. an image where every edge matches up with its opposite. There are quite a few options out there for seamless backgrounds, but not very many that are both square and 512px on a side. So I followed the lead of the talented artists at Stamen and reluctantly opened photoshop to make some seamless texture images of my own for Tilemill.

There are 12 of them, and you can grab them here, licensed CC-by-SA. 

I'm personally inclined to overuse things like this once I've made them available (I used them last weekend at StoryHack, actually), so it's going to take some time before I find the right subtle level. I'll let you know when I get there.

Have fun! And I'd love to see any examples of these in the wild once you put them to use . . .

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5 Reference Recipes

Thursday, October 17, 2013

At the risk of beating a dead horse, I'm coming back to reference overlays. I've noticed that there a still a fair number of interactive maps online that permit a bullying thematic layer to stomp all over the poor, defenseless map labels and context information. This is not cool:

So I've hashed out the code for getting past this using five common basemap services:

Feel free to reuse them as you see fit. All but the Google example use Leaflet, but the z-index and canvas manipulation tactics are applicable to other APIs as well. If anyone wants to add adaptations for OpenLayers or whatnot I welcome pull requests. Also worth a note is that - in the leaflet examples - the thematic layer is rendered as vector from topojson, which is arguably the fastest vector format available to us today. Give it a shot as a thematic mapping tool.

Go forth and bring context back to your interactive maps!

Note: Thanks to Bobby Sudekum, Josh Livni and Jason Sanford for the starting blocks.

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Crime Doesn't {{Insert Variable}}

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


There's no citywide relationship between crime rate and elevation in San Francisco. It's because there are other factors at work - like property value, income, tourism, etc. - in between the two. But there are a few discrete spots around the downtown area where it is at least partially accurate to say "Crime doesn't climb" - check out the last map on this page.

Crime Doesn't What?

Dammit, I love hexbins. I love their flow complexity, I love their visual appeal, I defend them where necessary, and I use them wherever I can. However, sometimes hexbins don't tell the whole story.

Last week a couple of talented Bay Area developers put some of San Francisco's new open data to use, testing the old adage that "Crime Doesn't Climb" in the city. They compiled SFPD crime statistics in elevation-based strata and found - indeed - that the lion's share of SanFranCrime occurs closest to sea level. Recognizing a bit of simplicity in this argument, they went a step further and adjusted the numbers to account for the fact that there is simply more space - more crime-canvas, if you will - at lower elevations. The results were the same: lots of crime low, not much up high.

The web reacted with characteristic nuance and reason:

While there's irony and sarcasm at work here, I think it would probably be a shame if even a handful of people now contented themselves with the certainty that criminals are lazy, or if some misguided readers resolved only to pass through SoMa in an armored car.

Because at it's heart, this analysis has already been critiqued by Randall Munroe:

Crime occurs where people - perpetrators and victims - are already concentrated. As such, any explanation of when/where/why has to account for population.


The best level of detail available on population is the U.S. Census block. In a city as big as San Francisco, there are thousands of these, each with a very credible population count. They're not as spatially consistent as hexbins, but they're accurate:


Elevation variation also contributes to the city's distinct character:


And the frequency of crime seems to reflect a bit of both population and elevation:

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

I remember the moment I realized I needed to learn how to play the piano.

[Psssst. Keep reading; this is still about maps!]

During my second semester at Berklee, I found myself with a bunch of fellow art-nerds, sitting in an apartment watching a video [VHS whaaaaa!] about a dance piece collaboration between Garth Fagan and Wynton Marsalis called "Griot New York". Wynton rolls into a rehearsal toting his horn in a gig bag and rolling a full-size yamaha keyboard behind him. As the voice-over goes into dance/music duality overanalysis mode, I see that Wynton is playing the trumpet with his right hand and laying down chord progressions on the keys with his left hand.

Sure, I'd heard about Dizzy Gillespie, John Coltrane, Charlie Haden et al. doing their composing on piano. I'd gotten all sorts of pressure to put down my horn and practice the keys regularly as a way of understanding the harmonic roots of the music I wanted to play. But this was live proof - in the form of one of the greatest virtuosos of a generation - that a melody instrument could only take you so far in both performance and composition before you needed Western music's chosen tool for getting at the harmony underneath.

My not-so-subtle point is that the same goes for programming in GIS. Bill Dollins and Adena Schutzberg wrote more eloquently than I ever will about the need for GIS practitioners to learn to code. But I just realized I've been down this road before. I played trumpet for years before buckling down (under degree requirements, really) and setting my fingers to piano keys. And I worked from ArcView and ArcMap for years before realizing that I needed proficiency in python and javascript.

The piano is a compiled language, to be sure - several steps abstracted from the wonder that is our perception of tone and harmony. But it fits the question I've heard time and time again from GIS analysts, and seen in blog-nonsense form hither and yon:

Do I really need to learn python/piano?

Yes. Your advancement as a scientist/artist will not be possible without it.

Let me close with another question brought on by this crude metaphor: If the piano is Fortran, does music have a kernel? :)

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Tiled Basemaps Survey 2013 - Results!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013
From Stamen, OSM Contributors and National Geographic

The results are in!

123 helpful participants submitted their thoughts on their favorite basemap services, and without further ado I present some of the results:

Which tiled basemap is most cartographically appealing to you?

Google, National Geographic (served via ESRI), and Mapbox are the winners here, with support for Stamen's options as well. "Other" in this case included OSU's Crinkled Watercolor and OpenCycleMap. Between the Stamen, OSM-Mapnik and Mapbox selections here, tiles based on OpenStreetmap data were ahead of the others. But this is a popularity contest based on looks. Moving on to substance . . .

Which tiled basemap do you use most frequently in your projects?

Google wins on ubiquity. Almost half of the respondent pool uses Google's tiles first; though given the widespread adoption of the API this is not a great surprise. More interesting is that about half of these Google users find a different basemap to be more attractive. Which brings us to . . .

What factors drive the choice of basemap for your projects?

Respondents could choose more than one here, but it's clear that not many balked at the technical challenge or vendor lock-in concerns. Mostly it seems like choices were driven by a balance between aesthetics and quality/detail, with cost and licensing hovering in the back of respondents' minds.

What do you like best about your "cartographic favorite"?

Unpacking these results is best done with a series of [gasp!] word clouds for the top three choices. You might call it a word storm . . .

National Geographic: 



Interpret these as you will - subjective assessments have a way of bleeding from one choice to another. For instance, it looks like everyone likes the "colors".

Whoa there . . .

This is not a scientific survey. And despite my best efforts to reach out to all the communities involved, it's probably not even terribly representative. But it's interesting to inspect the choices made by this particular group of mappers, and fantastic that so many were willing to share their thoughts. Check out the unvarnished results here - mostly interesting to see the full explanations of what folks like about their preferred aesthetic.

As always, drop me a line if you have any questions or concerns about these results. Thanks to all who participated!

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Open Cadastral Data: a Github Test Case

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A bolt of GIS-Manna from Heaven

A dedicated and talented GIS developer at the VT Agency of Natural Resources just finished compiling the most-comprehensive cadastral dataset to which our small state has ever had access. Coincidentally he sent out the announcement while I was annoying a few githubbers about their new geodata capabilities. What luck: a test case.

The dataset - as a shapefile - clocks in at 250MB, representing 289,000 parcel polygons in 191 towns. [The 46 VT towns not included tend to have populations under 200 and a blithe commitment to dusty paper records.] It turns out that this is over the 100MB limit imposed on individual files, so I pulled the dataset, split it by town and converted the outputs to geojson, then pushed them to a repository I just set up. The largest of these is juuuuust over the maximum file size to be renderable in Github's snazzy new Mapbox-based interactive maps, but most of the town parcel maps pop up just fine.

The Implications

Okay, great - another slippy map somewhere on the web. Who cares? These folks, actually:
  • A landowner who wants to look up the parcel numbers of her abutting properties without visiting the steam pipe distribution venue in the basement of her local town hall.
  • A town GIS manager who has a hard drive overflowing with parcel shapefiles, converted CAD drawings and map requests from lawyers.
  • Probably a lot of lawyers. Don't get me started.    
  • The overworked data gurus at the Vermont Center for Geographic Information (VCGI), who - while they're probably the only agency that can handle it - are really reluctant to take on management of a statewide, rolling, versioned database.

What Github provides in this test case, for free:
  • Fast hosting of modestly-large geospatial data
  • Relatively-simple version control of said data
  • Edit access to anyone with a github account and a GIS platform (FOSS or Arc'ed)
  • An embeddable client view for the public for files up to 10MB
  • A robust API for client views bigger than that (for example)
  • A muthaflippin' download button (well, "save page as")
For those of us who have been ranting about geoportals in recent months, this pretty much covers the bases. For free. Github is walking the #opendata walk.

What's Next . . .

There are a whole bunch of caveats here. Biggest is the file size issue (though I've seen Bill Dollins and Sophia Parafina starting to work around that in the past few days), since 10MB is a fine limit for municipalities in the second-smallest state, but Manhattan is a teensy bit bigger. Another hitch is data quality; this dataset is top-of-the-line, but like any other it's missing SPAN numbers, dates and acreages here and there. The vendors will tell you that quality can't be beefed up in a free collaborative environment, without data value-add. I don't know if they're right or wrong.

But I'd love to see a town GIS manager throw a pull request and get this ball rolling. Who's up for it?

The data hub is waiting right here

Update: 7/25/13
I've heard a bunch of awesome questions about the practicalities of using Github this way, so while I am by no means a power user I recorded a quick demo video.
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Maps in a Responsive Page

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Heaven help me - I've been building a responsive infographic.

Specifically, I used Bootstrap to flesh out a not-really-infinite-scroll site that summarizes the findings of a survey - done by some #opengov types on social media use in the Vermont legislature. Getting the infographic confession aside, my point in mentioning it is that I wanted to include a map of responses by county, and that posed a dilemma.

I went with a responsive layout for the page because I know that 50% or more of the traffic will be from mobile clicks - the kind of viewing experience that makes a tricked-out slippy map either frustrating or useless. So I'd need something more flexible than my usual portfolio. Fortunately, a few months ago responsive-design-zealot Brad Frost had talked about using a combination of static and dynamic maps for the same purpose depending on available screen real estate. I thought it was cool but at the time had no use for it. Enter this recipe:

1.) An API that provides both static and dynamic endpoints: Check. Mapbox FTW.
2.) A Responsive layout: Check. Bootstrap is out-of-the-box.
3.) A snippet of javascript to load the map according to screen size: Check. Repurposed here.

I knocked together a dynamic map using Tilemill and mapbox.js - this let me do some cool linking of SVG hover states and popup information windows. As a bonus I could disable pan and zoom to make it more like an interactive image and fit better into the overall page context. [Yes, haters, you're right - I should have done this with D3. Gimme a break; I'll get to it.] I then grabbed the map's PNG equivalent from the Mapbox Static API and plugged it into the code as the "static" option.

In Mr. Frost's original his "embed" option for larger screens is the standard google maps embed string. I wanted more features than were available with a standard mapbox embed, so I built the site separately with mapbox.js and "iframed" it in. This is just as much of an ugly hack as it seems, but it works.

The result is a map that renders big and fully-interactive on tablets and larger:

But shows a teaser image and a link to see more on a small screen:

This is obviously not a perfect solution, but it fits the purpose here. And it's also extendable - consider if you had to generate dozens of pages like this - you could do it just by programmatically changing the lat/lon or index value of both the static and the embed maps. Also worth noting is that this strategy works with both Mapbox and Google APIs.

As we move into a web that's even more solidly mobile-centric, we'll need to keep adapting maps with the resources we have available. It's actually a lot of fun trying to keep up.

Click here to see it in action

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Tiled Basemaps: the Survey

Monday, July 8, 2013

The time has come once again for a taking of the geopulse! In years past I've asked broad questions about platform-level technology use, but this year I'm getting more specific:

Yes, I realize that the very concept of tiles is about to go the way of the Avenue script, but the present moment is still flush with amazing cartography served up in square chunks. For this survey I've chosen a selection of "Streetmap" styles from the major players, since imagery is another can of worms entirely.

I've built a comparison app here (with thanks to Dair Grant for the idea). Check it out and vote for your favorite.

Note: It's not possible to get a perfect comparison, since some maps tiles are locked to a particular API (what up, Apple), and others were too hard to parse into a single web map (Was a quadkey scheme really necessary, Bing?). Feel free to add these in if they serve as your go-to basemaps anyway.

Thanks for participating, and check back here for results in a few weeks!
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5 Examples of an Inflection Point for Maps on the Web

Monday, June 3, 2013
Some recent thoughts by Brandon Rosage reminded me that webcartographics (I should trademark that one) are the midst of a change. Since the dawn of Mapserver, we've been building maps into our websites in a segregated fashion, often treating the map as little more than an <iframe> keyed to a CMS. This works well enough in a short blog or location description, but there are more engaging stories to tell with cartography, and better ways to deal with UX complexity than just adding more markers.

Fortunately some great developers are steadily building tighter integration between geography and web design. My favorite recent examples of this follow:

1. Chasing the Boston Bombers

A maps-in-the-background piece on the Boston bombings from the New York Times Graphics Department uses a Google static map as a location-based table of contents to a scrollable storyline highlighted with more maps and photos.

2. The Royal Navy in WWI

From Vizzuality, a moving record of Allied ship traffic in WWI was derived from their work crowdsourcing the transcription of old ships logs. This is more of a show than an interactive piece, which works perfectly to illustrate the flurry of activity around major geopolitical events.

3. The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans

Young Hahn's Mapbox-based adaptation of a Sherlock Holmes storyline changes the click-and-drag paradigm of the web map by tying map navigation exlusively to a scrolling text storyline. Unlike the NYTimes piece above, the map does move - but only as the narrative progresses. Bonus points that it's responsive, making this an equally-rich read on mobile.

4. Crowdmap's New Layout

Crowdmap has some great potential here, though it's still being pulled in several directions by varying stakeholders. The previous version was a codeless window into Ushahidi's functionality, and that was great for easy access to a map-within-a-CMS. But with the current iteration they've tried to bring the focus to a map driven by its content, rather than content accessed via a map.

5. Hurricane Sandy Coastal Impacts

Another entry in the the journalism category, this tour-de-force from Derek Watkins treats the coastal axis (North-to-South) as a narrative, attaching aerial photos seamlessly to a thematic map built with the D3 javascript library. Perhaps the coolest part of this one is what it implies - D3 is one of the best emerging tools for breaking maps out of "Plugin" status and letting them interact seamlessly with the architecture of web design. This is looking more and more like a window into the future of maps on the web.

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We Are Still Talking About These Things: Dispatches from the Dawn of Crowdsourcing

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I was just having a conversation with some colleagues about the nuts and bolts of participatory mapping with some local farmers. We were all:
"Man, it totally depends on if you have internet at the site. If you do, just pull up Google Maps or CartoDB and have them digitize right into the iPad. If not it's a huge hassle; you'd have to annotate a PDF and georeference it later."
"Yeah, but either way the stylus is key. Non-technicians always want to use a pen and paper."
This talk of getting a skeumorphic data-entry device in the hands of the common folk reminded me of something from the past. This, specifically:
Even taking as a fact of life that community GIS will always require some mediation by the more technically skilled, Al-Kodmany's Chicago neighbourhood projects are not a little bit extreme. In fact, by the time he describes the community members being given 'coloring the map' participation exercises as a way to actually participate, there is a rather patronizing air about the project. 'Participants were broken into small groups and were given a map and felt-tipped markers,' he writes. Felt so as not to inadvertently poke out their own eyeballs, no doubt.
This from Christopher Miller, writing in 2006 about how participatory GIS (nee "GIS/2") was being hamstrung by academic condescension, cultural barriers and the failure of imagination that is traditional GIS ("GIS/1"). Man, 2006 sounds like a long time ago from here, but we're still spinning our wheels in some ways on this stuff.

Based on Andy Woodruff's Boston-oriented project, last year I built an app to get locals defining the boundaries of neighborhoods in the city of Burlington. When I showed up to the first hearings on city redistricting to present the results, their credibility was questioned by some who hadn't heard of the project, even though it had been announced in every local news outlet as well as digital channels. These were people who showed up to meetings, because that was how you participated. Not learning my lesson, I adapted Azavea's Districtbuilder app for the redistricting process and made it public, hoping "participatory technology" would open a traditionally-closed political world. It turns out that the technology wasn't really the problem.

In his snark-laden, brilliant 2006 paper, Miller goes on to describe this neat little app called Scipionus, built in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina on the back of a newly-opened Google Maps API. Here's the thing: it let anyone with a web connection report their location and status on a Google Map! Fast-forward three years and Ushahidi comes along. Fast-forward another three years and Google Maps gets collaborative, Crowdmap is everywhere and Twitter becomes a news source. Fast-forward to last month and the most reliable information on a civil war is from a participatory map, and Ushahidi can take in reports from every technology short of smoke signals.

We still don't have good retorts to Miller's challenges. We still haven't made GIS accessible to the public, and I'm not really sure that's a valid goal. More importantly, we seem to be driving deeper into the gulch between Internet-Worshippers and Tech-Hostile Curmudgeons that Miller warned us about. Whether we're community-building, solving disputes or reporting the news, we've got to do a better job building bridges between the public and our maps.

In many cases, "Paticipation" is still a felt-tipped marker jabbed into the eyeball.

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Taking Tilemill 2 for a Spin

Sunday, May 19, 2013

When I took my first GIS class, I was told that 5% of my time would be spent making maps, while 90% of it would be spent corralling data into usable format and 5% would be spent beating an unresponsive plotter with a cardboard tube. This balance has definitely changed as interoperability has gone from prayer to practice, but I've continued to be frustrated by the time I feel gets lost to a missing shapefile extension or a falsely-defined projection.

For all the fun afforded us by Mapbox's original Tilemill map design platform, it's always been sort of a GIS-y hassle to wrangle data into it. Mind you this is slight, glancing criticism - it's NOTHING compared to getting your geodata to work in Illustrator or any actual GIS platform. But I always found myself wishing I could spend less time racking my brain for where I put that awesome building footprint layer, or trying in vain to find the right ORDER BY syntax for a PostGIS datasource.

Perhaps you've heard, but Mapbox sort of solved my whiny problems. Tilemill 2 is in unsupported alpha, but it's already fulfilling my dream of data-agnostic cartography. The basic idea is that the world - as derived from OpenStreetmap - is some pretty centralizable basedata, so why not just tap the source and style it however you like? Instead of pulling extracts or copies or subsets, Tilemill 2 just gives you the whole damn world, all 330GB-and-counting of it, via super-fast vector tiles (great explanation here). You get to style those tiles with the CartoCSS language, and at that point they're ready for your audience.

It is A LOT of fun to have the world at your fingertips:

For the moment there's no export or serving option, and it'll be interesting to see what Mapbox does with this tool in its already-robust custom mapping lineup. It's also worth noting that planet.osm is not ALL TEH DATAZ - we'll always need a way to use local or personal geodata. But this is a great leap for an already-impressive platform.

It's liberating to be able to focus on cartography with the building blocks already in place.

Props to Gretchen Peterson for some great color ideas as I fiddle with this.

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Geoflow: A Hasty Review

Friday, April 19, 2013

Remember those Microsoft guys?

Yeah, me neither. They're not really geo-involved in any loud way. Their contribution to GIS has consisted of a few excel plugins and a dedicated deference to the ArcGIS platform. They made a halfhearted attempt to enter the web mapping space with Bing maps, but it's safe to say the developer community hasn't expressed much interest:

But there are some geo-progressive (How many times am I allowed to use it as a prefix?) corners of the Windows empire, notable in the hiring of OpenStreetmap founder Steve Coast, and in a generous licensing of high-resolution imagery for OSM mappers. Add to that a new tool for Excel called Geoflow, which launched to some fanfare Last week as we all looked up from our maps with a collective "Microsoft? Really?"

I've been fiddling with it a bit since and I'm glad to have given it a try. It can probably be best described as the CartoDB/Fusion Tables of the desktop, and while that may sound like a backhanded insult, I think it will be extremely useful to the large and dedicated population of Excel users. This is not GIS. This is geovisualization, and it's not half bad.

The premise is simple - put your spreadsheet records on a map - and it executes with little difficulty. The user just needs a column with placenames (or coordinates), and the rest of the columns become thematic options in a 3D map without having to leave excel. The defaults are novel and in some cases visually appealing - which is fortunate because there's not a lot of tweaking you can do (Until Microsoft exposes a Visual Basic UI. Heaven help us.). The orthographic perspective is nice and the application did a better job of figuring out my data structure than excel usually does.

A quick roundup:

  • Only available on Office 2013 for now.
  • It's the antithesis of open-source but they get a temporary pass because excel is ubiquitous. I look forward to the LibreOffice Calc plugin.
  • The Nokia-based geocoding is solid, with only one misfire to null island.
  • The map UI isn't intuitive, but I'm not exactly sure if there is such a thing as intuitive 3D navigation. Maybe this is one for the Leap Motion developers. 
  • Not portable. Unless there's some feature in the Office365 version that I'm missing, this is Geoflow's biggest shortcoming. The one nod to the desire to show your map somewhere other than in your cubicle is the "Copy Screen" button. Which I already had on my keyboard.
  • The tour function is clunky, roped to a jerky graphics engine that tries to load every zoom level of tiles even after you've arrived at your stop. This happens every time, suggesting there's no tile caching at all.
  • There's a nice selection of default map themes from Bing Maps, but they have trouble in the orthographic environment. Labels and imagery are slow to load, and text keeps its north orientation even if you want the Hobo-Dyer projection.

Overall: not bad, Microsoft. I like novelty, and they've somehow managed to combine some of the better elements of Google Earth with a spreadsheet and make it look compelling. I wouldn't say it's buggy, just in need of some UX rethinking. Ultimately it's good for all of us when a new map technology emerges from unexpected quarters.

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Toward an Ideal Geoportal

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Geoportal Identity Crisis

A city wants to open its geodata for public use. An NGO wants to spark a transparency initiative. A regional planning commission wants to stop emailing zipped shapefiles when pestered. They want to deliver two contrasting products - raw data and parsed themes - to as many as a dozen different audiences: policymakers, technical service providers, the press, professional curmudgeons, etc.

In the past decade, the solution to this nearly-impossible balancing act has been to build a Geoportal, and we've seen some pretty memorable misfires. Most of the trouble can be chalked up to the good intentions of the technicians who produce the data and the tools to distribute it; accustomed to a desktop GIS environment for exploration and analysis, they have built and re-built "GIS on the Web" (Chris Herwig documented his travels around a broad selection of them). They've done this under the assumption that users will be filtering, buffering, selecting by location and overlaying, and as it happens that's not really true. This approach fails all sectors of the public.

For many months now, Brian Timoney has been championing sanity in the wasteland of geoportals. He expertly trolls the mapjunk and the faustian UX, but he's also offered an analytics-based selection of "Best practices" for getting geodata to the public. Beyond how users actually interact with online maps, he's drawn attention to the subtle distinction between "open data" and "useable open data". But he is still something of a voice in the wilderness, as we all nod vigorously in agreement and go back to downloading file geodatabases from the USGS. We work with the system we have, because it's hard to envision the details of the alternative.

A Template

I've been trying to envision such an alternative, spurred on by some adventurous clients. Specifically, I wanted to see if it was possible to crack open a public dataset in a way that was compelling to technicians as well as to the lay public - something that would adhere to emerging best practices as well as to my own bias toward open architecture for open data. Timoney himself has already taken a stab at this, but we have different styles. So I cobbled together a template geoportal, wrapped around a standard multipurpose bit of public data: building records.

Give it a spin here.

I assumed two audiences: 1.) citizens who want their own zoning information and permit history fast, and 2.) analysts who want to grab bulk chunks of building footprint geodata for urban planning, disaster response or just noodling cartography. The former group can search for their address, see their building in context, and get the basic info before heading off to print their fact sheet. One minute or less.

The GIS specialists of the world can hit the download link and vacuum in all the features within the current view extent, in the interoperable format flavor that suits them (+TopoJSON for the bleeding-edge types).

This is just a page for a single dataset, but I think it meets the needs of both audiences and doesn't suck to look at or navigate. A few of the other features I wanted to include:
  • Lightweight and Javascript-based - less than 1MB before the tiles show up.
  • Shareable URLS - the root URL is subject specific, and the location hash allows users to pass around a focused view of a neighborhood or house.
  • Traditional search (in the hanging dialog box) is prominent without obscuring the map, since I'm of the opinion that a map is better as a page canvas than as a tiny sidebar window.
  • Very few visible bells and whistles - This is built to some narrow workflows with no mission creep and no toolbars. A bunch of info is socked away in a modal popup for the intrepid.
  • Cartography - I'm done with auto-pixelated graphics and bad default symbology; this is 2013 and we should all be using Mapnik for the web.
  • Open-source undercarriage - this is a combo of Bootstrap, Leaflet, CartoDB and Mapbox.
  • A note on CartoDB and Mapbox - their server code is legit open-source (meaning I could just run it my own damn self), but I've used their hosted services here since it's just - ack - easier to let them handle the services and flexibility thereof. And still cheaper than the competition. 
It's true that much of my requirements were about what to omit, but it is truly a difficult task to limit the scope of an application that is being driven to omni-functionality by stakeholders. Resistance is part of the process.

Here's the code on github. The index.html is commented liberally, so you should be able to tell where to swap things in and out. Scaling this approach to an entire suite of geodata could be as easy as forking the repo for every dataset you want to present to the public. Single-theme maps will see the most use in the long run, so keep it simple.

The To-Do List

This app needs typeahead in the search box to really deliver options. Andrew Hill at Vizzuality shows how easy this is when pulling from a CartoDB address column, but I'm still trying to bolt it onto the partially-abstracted leaflet geosearch module with my meager javascript skills. I will gleefully accept pull requests. Additionally, you may note that each building's "Fact Sheet" points to the same place. The city of Burlington is doing great things with its data, but we don't have building URLs keyed to parcel IDs or addresses yet :)

The bigger question is one of data discovery; if we're going to limit geoportals to one theme at a time, how do users get where they want to go? I hate being directed to a silverlight-slinging "Map Gallery" when I'm looking for info, but I'm not sure what the alternative is for top-level geodata search. Is it Chicago's spare text-based search? Is it the 300-button web GIS that requires training to use? Is it good SEO?

We know something about how users behave once they find the map they want, but how do we get them there in the first place?

Listocracy from Chicago, GIS-in-a-browser from VT Nat. Resources
Many thanks to Jay Appleton from the city of Burlington for being the single-handed support structure of open data here, including emailing the occasional zipped shapefile :)

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TopoJSON and Messed-Up Topology

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The awesomeness of Mike Bostock's TopoJSON format for geodata is not disputable. It drops file sizes by up to 90% and opens the door to seamless feature simplification. And Josh Livni's makes it accessible to everyone in a web conversion UI. But in the GIS world topology is a fearful thing - it blows up your geoprocessing when incorrect, and "fixing" the errors of features that partially share...
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Navigation on Planks

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
We're not there yet . . . (Skier dude by Saman Bemel Benrud)
The news yesterday was that Google has added the trails of 38 ski resorts in the US and Canada to its Maps database. Here in Vermont, my stashes are safe from further encroachment, since the only two Green Mountain resorts on the list are perennial tourist-bait favorites Okemo and Stowe. That said, this is a cool move by Google in its desire to permeate our mobile world. I'm used to leaving my phone behind while I ski, but this sort of information would be useful to have at my fingertips if I were in unfamiliar terrain at a new resort. It could also be useful in tandem with the ski-run-tracking apps that are proliferating these days.

However, one item is missing from the new functionality: ski navigation. You can't request the shortest (or gnarliest) route from the top of the Sensation Quad to the bottom of the Alpine Double. These new lines - while color-coded according to difficulty - are just background images in Google's otherwise-rich network of information. The navigation engine suggests that the shortest route down the Liftline at Stowe is to pop off my cables and trudge down the Toll Road or the Long Trail.

The longest way around
I can see why Google would be nervous about offering directions in this context - There are two problems that are unique to alpine skiing as a navigation paradigm:

Obey the Rope.

Trail conditions (especially in the East) change more rapidly than road conditions. However, they don't change more rapidly than traffic conditions, and Google's got that covered in near-realtime in major metro areas. 
Solution: GTFS for ski resorts - While it's not immediately realistic to ask every resort to come up with a trails API, it's possible to work out a common format for trail reports (Y'know, those things you look at in the morning to see where it's not bulletproof) much like Google does for public transit. It would be an afternoon task for a data ninja at Mountain View to figure out a way of scraping and parsing that information on a daily basis.

Gravity's a . . . Precondition.

Leaving nordic and backcountry skiing aside, ski navigation would require consideration of elevation change. No uphill turns allowed. 
Solution: Spatial Analysis -  This is one of those bread-and-butter geoprocessing problems that GIS undergrads are given: calculate a flow accumulation surface, add turn attributes to the trail data accordingly. This is actually kind of a fun one.

Lots of folks are never going to look at a mobile device while skiing, maybe myself included. But for the ones who do, it'd be pretty danged cool to have navigation assistance built into the vertical territory that Google is now adding to its already-thorough map system. Just a few hitches to overcome, and I think they're up to it :)

"If only there were some way I could technify this experience . . ."

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Context For Cheap - The Map Reference Overlay

Wednesday, January 23, 2013
I used to hate building reference layers in my maps. Labeling placenames was painful, but nothing compared to the chest-hair-waxing misery of scaling transportation symbology by road class. No out-of-the-box defaults were ever cartographically pleasing, and hours were incinerated in the fires of annotation placement. [Sorry, QGIS and Illustrator - you're just as much to blame here as the Redlands upstart.]

But that's basically all in the past. Not long after I slogged my way into web interactive maps, the crew at Mapbox released the finest preconfigured basemap I've ever seen, "Mapbox Streets". They quickly followed with a dozen attractive starter styles and an impressive customization pallette.

Mapbox Streets

The idea of the pre-baked map was nothing new - Google, ESRI, GeoIQ and others had entered the web map age with variations on the Reference-Canvas idea: "You provide the overlay data and the story to tell, we'll provide the geographic context." And this works really well for monodimensional Point of Interest (POI) data, as demonstrated by the Google pushpins that these days rain from the sky to skewer every interesting set of coordinates on the planet. Pins and icons don't get in the way of labels and reference features.

The siren call of the martini glass . . .

But what about polygons and the world of the choropleth? Not that it stopped anyone from trying, but polygons on top of a reference canvas either obscure the features beneath or require too much transparency to make a thematic point. I bombed out on early attempts to work with this essential truth:

NYC Metro, covered in bubble bath

The solution to this problem is under our noses. I first noticed this technique when John Keefe and Steven Melendez at the WNYC Data Desk posted a Mapbox-based interactive looking at NYC's proposed wards; the streets were curiously visible above the color-coded ward polygons.

They had introduced me to the reference overlay.

Leveraging the customization options of Mapbox streets, they had
  • Winnowed out the layers representing land and water from their basemap, leaving just roads, land use and text,
  • Set these to a modestly transparent level (maybe 30-40%),
  • Using the compositing of the Mapbox API, laid this semi-transparent layer on top of the thematic polygon layer, inverting the standard reference canvas model
After I recovered the pieces of my brain that had exploded out my ears (maybe I'm easily impressed), I set to applying this tactic to my own maps. I also realized that this could be expanded to allow for a sort of map sandwich, with land and water below, thematic data next and reference data on top:

And it's not just a Mapbox thing:
Hell, if you can do better than AJ Ashton and company, build your own mostly-transparent reference overlay and cache it in a tile server for future projects.

Subtle Context on the Census Dotmap

While I realize this is all old hat in the GIS world (yes, of course you place your labels above your polygons dude), it's usefulness in web mapping can't be overstated. The reference overlay saves us serious time, solves the "mashup" problem, and lets us focus on our data and what it has to say.

Update, Wednesday Night:
After conversations with some of the Stamen and former-GeoIQ folks, I figured it'd be worth comparing what happens when three different teams build reference overlays from the same (OpenStreetmap) data. Check it out here.

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Open Thresholds

Friday, January 18, 2013
They went too far, clearly.

In publishing the precise locations and names of all the permitted handgun owners in two New York Counties, the New York Journal-News has done a serious disservice to data journalists in particular. More broadly, they may have made things more difficult for the "Open Data" community at large.

Got guns?
But a lot of ink and rage has already been leveled at the J-N for this; in the New York Times, David Carr pointed out that even in an era of minimized privacy this was a step too far, lacking in due diligence. Jeff Sonderman in Poynter noted that the context matters kind of a lot - that the timing and lack of justification seemed to associate the mapped gun owners with the Sandy Hook massacre. Sonderman also had sage words for those sitting on piles of prospective open-data boodle:

"If you can’t come up with a better reason than 'because we can' or 'because we think it would look cool,' stop here, you’re about to data dump."

So the smarter folks have weighed in on the implications for journalism and data management, but this awkward business leaves me with two HUMUNGO-GONZO TAKE-HOME MESSAGES for the geographic opendata community:

1. Aggregate to Support the Story.

We - as a society - are flat-out not comfortable with publishing the name and location of individuals. At the very least strip the identifiers out of your points; better still, aggregate the points to coarser-scale geographic units. Census blocks work fantastically well for detailed data like this, and I hear that hexagonal bins are all the rage these days. More importantly, the coarser scale brings context and emphasizes patterns; that's where the story is at.

2. QA/QC, Punks.

Google Fusion Tables - for all its awesomeness - is an extremely blunt instrument for data journalism. Styles, filters and deployment are all very limited for getting your message out. But fusion tables also make it a little too easy to presume accuracy. The handgun ownership maps were piped through the Google geocoding engine (by all accounts the most accurate one out there today) and deposited in their supposed locations on the map. The Journal-News may have tried to clean up the output before publishing, but they didn't catch a few that missed their targets and landed in Burbank and Houston. If you're going to publish something like this, sloppiness is profoundly unhelpful.
Yeah, that guy doesn't live there.

Geosprocket built an application for the Burlington Free Press (coincidentally a sister publication of the Journal-News; don't run out of free article views now!) in late 2012, in which we tried to show the month-to-month patterns of burglaries in the city of Burlington. The data was provided by the BPD in response to a FOIA request by the Free Press, and it was extremely specific - down to the address of the incident. The context and story were clear - there's a February bump in Nighttime Burglaries - and we tailored the visualization to focus on that pattern.

BTVCrime - via the Burlington Free Press
At the time I thought we were being conscientious by stripping out the address text and using only the badge number of the responding officer, but in retrospect I would have aggregated these to the census block level. With the cool tools available today, it's a relative snap to make a polygon flash every time an incident occurs, and let the incidents stack up in accumulated color (though not so much of a snap that I'll do it for a blog post).

Basically, the Journal-News handgun owners' map has caused me to rethink a few of my own methods, and I hope provided us all with a sense of the threshold between responsible data journalism and data dumping.

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